Herverkiezing Blatter laat sporen na op sociale media: 'Kijk mijn nieuwe Rolex maar'
Ongeloof, woede en teleurstelling overheerste op de sociale media na de herverkiezing van Sepp Blatter, die zich ook de komende vier jaar FIFA-voorzitter mag noemen. 'Een nederlaag voor het voetbal', noemden vele liefhebbers van de sport het. Een overzicht met serieuze, spontane en ludieke reacties.
Zlatan can win an election against Sepp Blatter.
— Zlatan Ibrahimovic (@FactsofIbra) May 29, 2015
Blatter wins. Football loses. Sponsors might run a mile. They should. Uefa breakaway ?
— Ian Darke (@IanDarke) 29 mei 2015
I think Sepp Blatter was absolutely the right choice to lead FIFA, and anyone who disagrees, hasn't seen my new Rolex yet.
— Richard Osman (@richardosman) 29 mei 2015
FACT: Sepp Blatter's best highlight as Head of FIFA. https://t.co/E06nfTT7H7
— BBC Sporf (@BBCSporf) May 29, 2015
Sepp's first day back in office pic.twitter.com/7TrBm5Y5wC
— Footy Laughs (@FootyLaughs) May 29, 2015
At which point do we seek medical advice for Sepp? https://t.co/4cemumjpwD
— Sport Witness (@Sport_Witness) May 29, 2015
(F)ootball (I)sn't (F)ootball (A)nymore.
— Troll Football (@Troll__Football) May 29, 2015
As predictable as it is depressing. All those FIFA members that voted for Blatter have betrayed the game they are supposed to cherish.
— Gary Lineker (@GaryLineker) 29 mei 2015
Sepp Blatter elected as President of FIFA from 2015-2019. pic.twitter.com/kLEEwjeLZE
— Uber Football Facts (@UberFootbalI) May 29, 2015
Blatter is still the president. FBI do your thing.
— Ouriel Daskal (@Soccerissue) May 29, 2015
Sepp Blatter congratulates Sepp Blatter on beating Sepp Blatter to become president of FIFA in a close-run race against Sepp Blatter.
— Iconic No 7 (@IconicNo7) May 29, 2015
Bladder, Blatter... als je hem niet op tijd leegt, gaat ie ontsteken.
— Alexander Pechtold (@APechtold) 29 mei 2015
Eric Cantona: "Kiezen tussen Blatter en Platini is als kiezen tussen de pest en cholera"
— jack van gelder (@jackvangelder) May 29, 2015